
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

Title: Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Cast: James Franco, Freida Pinto and John Lithgow
Directed By: Rupert Wyatt
Running Time: 1hr. 45min
Genre: Action | Animals | Sci-Fi

First of all people what is with the title of this movie??... "Rise of the Planet of the Apes".... it gives the feel that there is some ape army in the Planet of the Apes, from the first sequel, rising up to take over the earth. And what do we get??...... James France :p...... yes, James freaking Franco, its like he is the only male actor available to the industry nowadays. Plus this is 2011 and the ape man clearly looks like some computer generated video games character. About the story, the less said the better. "Planets of the Apes Rewind: Rise of the Apes" would have been a better logical title to this flick plus the orangutan is already highly evolved member of the ape family it should never have been shown in the movie. You know what would have been a better story line?? a story continuation of the original Plane of the Apes and this time the apes could be invading the earth and please at-least extend the runtime to 2hrs. May be i am a bit too harsh on this one but hey when you promote a movie on the level of this movie's hype at least come close to living up the hype if not living up to it completely.

Girls:  Its a YES for you....i hate James Franco :P
Sentimental Guys:.. don't know.... depends if u like bananas
High on Testosterone Guys: Yeah u will like it
Lonely Guys/Girls: Yeah go ahead
Kids: ...This one is for you.......

M.A.D Rating : 6.0

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