
Monday, October 24, 2011

A Walk to Remember (2002)

Sweet November (2001)


Title: Sweet November (2001)
Cast: Keanu Reeves, Charlize Theron and Jason Isaacs
Directed By: Pat O'Connor
Running Time: 2hr
Genre: Drama | Romance | Loss

The Plot is that Nelson (Keanu Reeves) has a very successful advertising career he is very devoted to his job and becomes a workaholic. While taking a driving test one day he meets Sara (Charlize Theron) who is a very different carefree woman. Nelson causes her to miss out on taking the test and now she starts stalking him. One thing leads to another and Nelson ends up living with her through a November that will change his life forever. 

Okay guys enough of the plot let get in to the real business of critiquing and appreciating the flick. To me everything in the movie felt like everyone was playing safe just to break even. The plot, the cast the direction .... there was nothing amazing or brilliant for me. A typical love story with the only twist that the woman Sara offers to change Nelson in to a better caring human being in just one month and that too in the month of November, probably because they wanted to bring in the spirit of Thanks Giving with the story line. Acting wise it was so so. Keaun Reeves was a bad cast because he has a stone cold expression-less face and i think they needed someone to express the emotions. Charlize Theron, well i think she tried her best to fit in the role but for the 1st half of the movie, until it was mentioned that she had cancer, she was out of it, In the latter part i think she did fine.
The memorable characters and scenes in this movie were the cute little dog Awwwwww :), the colourful scarf which i gotta get one myself and lastly the acting of Jason Isaacs who i regard very highly especially when he is speaking in the Irish/Scottish accent that always mesmerises me :P.

All in all ... a safe movie to watch if you are in the mood to get emotionally high..

Girls: you will love it
Sentimental Guys:.. Christmas came early guys ...
High on Testosterone Guys: Sorry Mate
Lonely Guys/Girls: Yeah go ahead
Kids: ...Not for you.......

Note of Caution: This movie is for over 15 only

M.A.D Rating : 6.5

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

Title: Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Cast: James Franco, Freida Pinto and John Lithgow
Directed By: Rupert Wyatt
Running Time: 1hr. 45min
Genre: Action | Animals | Sci-Fi